Memory Jogger # 1 - Steps to grow an intrapreneurship/innovation culture
Identify the Innovation “mindprint” of the leaders in your organisation.
Quickly figure out who is willing to champion the cause? Go beyond your own organisational hierarchy. Be smart in avoiding the ones acting as speed breakers. You need the best of innovative mindsets to overcome Innovation Inertia in the organisation.
You need a leader who has a fertile mind to explore new avenues.
Think not just of the idea but its entire value chain (even if these are guesstimates). For example, any regulatory aspects, economics around what is being innovated, risks, probability of occurrence, severity of its impact and the mitigation steps, what is the value proposition being considered.
Learn to get detached from your own idea when something superior shapes up from your team towards the end goal.
Don’t hang on to your first hypothesis when your later experience/data point you otherwise. Be quick to rephrase, re-define and re-explore using data collected as you progress your idea.
Watch for outlier data which may have a key signature for your idea’s design space.
Sometimes, the outcomes may be ahead of its time. Hence, don’t get discouraged if it does not translate into a commercial outcome for now. Keep revisiting the idea at every new opportunity. Your ability to connect the dots and updating it as relevant for the times holds the key for a successful outcome. Remember, behind every successful product (or) services, there are many ideas which were dropped at various stages.